Benefits of Using Dr LeRoy Perry’s Spinal Decompressor™
The Spinal Decompressor™ uses gravitational forces with active inverted movement/exercise to stretch both outer spinal muscles (extrinsic) and inner muscles (intrinsic) on the backside of the body while contracting and strengthening the opposing musculature on the front of the body and vice versa.
This stretch/strengthening phenomenon creates Spinal Core Stability™, literally strengthening the musculature of the spine in a 360 degree co-ordinate balance.
The benefits of active spinal decompression are an increase in vertebral disc space, which decreases vascular and nerve pressure. One major component of the aging process is loss of oxygen to our tissue. By increasing disc space and blood flow we are increasing oxygenation and improving our body’s metabolic processes including detoxification. Active spinal decompression aids our overall body to not only increase circulation and nerve supply but also enhance balance and coordination, which can revitalize the body.